Image of woman in Paris in classic car

How to Be More Confident in Your Decision-Making

Who wants to be more confident in the decisions you make?

On a daily basis, the number of decisions we have to make is really amazing once you think about it. Consider every decision you make from the time you wake up until the time you are ready to work…that’s only a small portion of your day!

Some decisions are harder to make than others, either because we don’t have enough information or because we’ve placed a high value on making the right decision.

I remember fretting about which smartphone I should buy (the number of choices is really overwhelming). When I finally selected my Android device, five weeks later a newer version of my phone was released. What sucked for me was that I was past the 30-day exchange/returns period so even if I wanted to newer version it was too late.

So whether you’re faced with a decision related to your smartphone (e.g. iPhone or Samsung, should I buy this app, upgrade or get that accessory) or some other life decision, how can you accept the decisions you make without second-guessing yourself?

Introducing: The Best Darn Resource on Decision-Making

I’ve searched far and wide to find resources to help simplify the decision-making process. There are over 40 links on this page…definitely not something you can digest – or want to digest – in one sitting. I’d recommend bookmarking this page so that you can easily return to it later.

How you consume the information is up to you. Perhaps, you want to consume it chapter-by-chapter, or perhaps you want to read an article from each chapter right now. Or maybe there’s a particular chapter that interests you more than others. Whatever floats your boat.

The links directly below will jump you to that particular chapter without refreshing the page or taking you to another page.

If you have a great article to add to this guide, tell me about it here.

Chapter 1: Assess Who/Where You Are

Who are you? A little self-assessment never hurt anyone. Assessing how you currently feel about your decision-making abilities is the first step to no longer second-guessing your decisions.

Chapter 2: Understand What Makes it Difficult

I've beat myself up plenty of times when a decision doesn't work out how I expected. Which only leads to analysis-paralysis on future decisions because I want to get it right the next time. The articles below explore those things that cause us to delay making decisions.

If you have a great article to add to this guide, tell me about it here.

Chapter 3: Decision-Making Techniques/Frameworks

Having a framework or process to arrive at the best decisions doesn't have to be complicated. These articles explore some different approaches you can try. One process may resonate more with you. Check them out and see if you can adapt them into a process that works for you.

Chapter 4: Trick Your Brain

Can decision-making be hacked? Check out these articles for clever ways to make the decision-making process easier.

Chapter 5: How to Trust Your Decisions (After All's Said & Done)

You've made the decision. Now what? If you're struggling with accepting your decision or being happy with the choices you've made, this is the section for you.

Bonus Chapter: More Decision-Making Tips

Some additional decision-making goodies that I couldn't fit anywhere above but wanted to still share with you.

If you have a great article to add to this guide, tell me about it here.


Image: Fashion woman on a car by olly18